So many things haPPen in calcutta,
murders and robberies in daylight.
You don't know anything.
Shall I oPen the door?
Who knows who's there?
Can't just oPen the door like that
But I'm here.
Please don't oPen it, Mannu.
What kind of madness is this, Niru?
I said I'm here.
It's because you're here...
I didn't understand.
Otherwise, he's a very good Person.
Just has to see me with a man...
...friend, relative, neighbour...
can't even invite anyone in for tea.
I'm not mad, Mannu...
But your husband is in jaPan
That must be someone else.
That someone will come in,
see me with you...
and the news will reach him at once.
That I was alone with you inside.
Nothing will haPPen.
Someone's soaking
in the rain outside
Okay, go ahead,
oPen the door.
Let him see everything.
What does it matter to you,
you've come to ruin my
marriage in any case.
Let him beat me, kill me,
lock me uP in the bathroom,
you won't be here to save me.
Now what? Go!