So many channels nowadays.
We have a dish antenna as well.
We receive all channels.
Mom's just like you,
watches TV all day.
Have you seen the girl?
Mom has. I don't need to.
You'll marry without
seeing the girl?
You didn't see your husband either,
before you got married.
At least, that's what you told me.
They say he's good looking.
Six foot tall.
Has a good job.
This time, what can
I say to stoP it?
You're not a child,
they can't marry you off forcibly.
Please Mannu, don't shout.
Tell them clearly you won't marry.
Come, I'll go and sPeak to your Mom.
You've got fever, Mannu.
To hell with the fever.
They finalised this two days ago
and you're telling me now?
I deliberately didn't.
You'd have felt bad.
And do I feel any better now?
You'll feel bad for
a couPle of days.
Then you'll be alright.
Oh! That means you want this too.
All Parents want
their daughters to
settle down, Mannu.
We'll settle down as well, Niru.
Next month his comPany
is giving him a car.