Want to see real guts?
You've known me for eight years.
You couldn't find a better
time to Prove it?
The day before my wedding?
You're right.
It's my fault.
I should've done it much before
but that would be forcing you.
Go home, Mannu. Don't be crazy!
What's 'crazy'?
All this madness.
Return the loan,
there's no need for a car.
Then you'll come with me, as it is?
I'll take care of everything, Niru.
You won't have any discomfort.
What will you wear tomorrow?
Wear something nice.
My in-laws will be there.
I won't let it haPPen.
Mannu... that hurts!
- Let it.
You're mine. I won't
let you go anywhere.
I'm not going forever.
I'll be back.
Then see... we'll chat a lot.
We'll even go out together.
Everything won't end here.
Didn't I tell you
I don't like having 'leftovers'!
I told them so many times
to match the colours to my bangles.
They've made it so light,
Sir... Please listen!
I'm here... this side...
Please come here.
I can't sPeak loudly.