Well suPPosing you do manage,
will you be able to rescue
her from this mess?
Rescue? Where will I take her?
At least try to exPlain
she doesn't have food,
but at least there's
a roof over her head.
Soon, she won't even have that.
She'll be on the streets.
She won't listen.
We sPoke for so long
but she didn't say anything.
What will she say?
That her husband
is a fraud? Told this.
I get this letter of guarantee
from a big comPany
to rent the house to him.
And I give it to them.
Later, on enquiry, I find out
that the letter was forged.
He doesn't work for them at all.
In fact, he doesn't work anywhere!
He's a total conman.
He's uP to his neck in debt.
You can ask anyone here,
I'll take you.
Hasn't Paid the electricity
bills for months.
They've cut the Power.
The windows are always shut.
Ring the bell, they don't answer.
If there's no Power, how
does the doorbell ring?
That way, they're very smart.
Got a battery-oPerated bell.
He comes back at dead
of night, sozzled.