Fortunately your landlord came.
So I found out.
I've Paid three months' rent,
Here is the receiPt.
Don't worry
They won't evict you immediately.
He gave me his word.
Please don't hesitate
to accePt this Niru.
It was fate that Prevented
us from getting married.
Otherwise all your resPonsibility
would have been mine.
Your's Mannu.
Thank you, Mannu
Why thank me? You got the food.
For your raincoat.
Oh God! Who oPened the windows?
- Why?
The rain has stoPPed.
This rain won't stoP.
It'll start again soon.
Let them be, Niru.
I'm seeing you in daylight
after ages.
I told you Manoj,
if someone sPots us together
there'll be trouble.
What took you so long?