
The shoPkeePer's quite weird.
Just a little drizzle...
...he shuts his shoP
and goes to sleeP.

Woke him uP and made him cook.
Why did you bother?
Why? Is your secretary the only
one who can care about you?

I normally don't eat
in the afternoon.

I chew tobacco the whole day,
it kills my aPPetite.

Usually PeoPle have
candlelit dinners,

Today... have a candlelit lunch.
Are they good?
Not like home made ones.
Tell me, Mannu,
what's the Point in keePing servants
if I have to go to the kitchen?
Do you cook sometimes?
Now and then.
When your husband's home?
As if he lets me!
He says, 'Why keeP all
these servants then? '

Doesn't he want to eat
your cooking

I can't cook like before anymore.
If you're not in the habit,
you lose the touch.
Now eat.
One Friday afternoon, instead
of eating bland food...

You ate two Puris (lndian bread)...
would your dietician get very angry?
Yes, he will.
