Who? Girlfriend?
Please Mannu, when you go back,
don't tell Mom you came here.
If you say so, I won't.
But, PeoPle might ask.
What's the use? There'll
be idle gossiP
and your marriage is close.
If you can, do visit
us in BhagalPur.
Always alone in this house...
You're right.
Sometimes... I wish I could
go some Place far away.
So what if I get stuck
in the bathroom?
The Plane has to stoP somewhere,
and then again move on...
...l'll go with it.
Locked uP all the way?
I am locked in here Mannu.
You think this luxury is everything?
That's true.
Can anyone stay locked
in a bathroom forever?
Believe me... Someone's bound to
come and oPen the door for you.