I've sPoilt your day.
Why sPoilt?
You had so much work.
How long will you be here?
There'll be work...
...but at least I saw you...
...We talked...
...lt was nice.
What did you name your comPany?
Rajni Productions.
Who's 'rajni'?
No one.
That old TV serial... remember?
But the numerologist said
to change it.
He said 5 letters were unlucky.
Has to be 6.
I'm wondering whether I'd
sPell it with a double 'E'.
Call it Neerja then. My ProPer name.
That's... N, e, e, r,
j, a... 6 letters
One way or the other,
I'll still be your Partner.
That's not a bad idea.
I'm just joking.
But do listen to the numerologist.
We're also having Feng Shui
done for our new flat.
New flat?
Yes, the comPany's.