Your name?
àðé éåãòú ùàéï ìðå ùåí
,ùéòåø áéçã àå îùäå
I-- I know we don't have
any classes together or anything, but...
um, I just thought that I'd introduce myself.
Okay, so there's this guy, right?
And, um, he's really nice and his name's Kiwi
and he kinda has a crush on you.
So we were wondering
if you wanted to come
hang out with us on Saturday night?
Kiwi's a weird name.
Why would he have a crush on me?
That's stupid.
Um, I mean, sometimes there's just
nothing you can do about it.
Well, anyway, um, we're gonna meet
in the lobby at 7:00
and, um, we're gonna grab
a bite to eat, okay?
I guess.
Really good.
It's kinda weird talking.
Okay, you think and throw it at.
You beautiful
little petunia.
- You-- ah! Ah, sacre bleu! Ah!
- I got you, ma
Okay, girl. So talk to me
Now it's you and Jay?
I mean, he's really cool.
And what about Robin, Ms. Thing?
- He says they're over.
- Yeah, right.
- That's really cute. - Oh, you like this?
Yeah.My mom, she runs this funky
little clothing shop.
- She's got great taste.
- Really?
Yeah, I just wish business
was better though, you know?
I mean, even with me working part-time
bagging groceries, and you know,
doing what I can
street performing,
we still had crazy trouble
scrapping up the tuition.
I mean, why do you think I'm stressing
that scholarship?