Aunt Helen, I'm hungry.
- You should've eaten your hamburger.
- It had onions.
OK. Take care of her a sec.
I'll be right back.
- Keep an eye on her.
- You're going?
Keep an eye on Sarah.
Hey, partner.
- Working on your lingerie merit badge?
- I'm a buyer from Victoria's Secret.
You're with Helen and you should go back
to your seat. Yeah. Go for Teddy.
Does my nose boogie look green?
Yes, as a matter of fact, it does.
Sort of Prada green.
Not their best collection. Put it back inside.
- Ooh, look, a doggy!
- Yes. Watch the lovely doggy.
Hello, doggy.
- Oh, my...
- Come here, doggy.
Are you all right? Model down.
I repeat, we have a model down.
Oh, no. Sarah, what are you doing?
Are you OK?
- What happened?
- Everything's OK.
All set. The limo's downstairs.
- Martina. Welcome to our agency.
- Thanks. I'm so excited.
You can be effusive on the way in the limo.
Go on, off you go.
So we should be to Coney Island
in about an hour.
Excuse me. This is Helen.