... elected to paddle three miles
to the safer, deep-water...
... Waimea Bay.
But 50-foot waves
were closing out the bay...
... and while attempting
to reach shore, both were caught...
... by mountains of white water
and ripped from their boards.
Brown eventually washed up
on shore naked...
... while 17-year-old Cross
was never seen again.
It spooked everybody.
They were like, "You can't ride there.
It's a killer. We're not gonna
go out there. You're gonna die."
Along with the death of Dickie Cross,
Waimea's reputation...
... was steeped in superstition
and dread...
... with tales that ranged
from haunted houses...
... to human sacrifices at the heiau...
... or Hawaiian burial ground,
overlooking the bay.
All of these things
were whizzing around...
...like a bunch of ghouls.
People really believed
if you paddled out...
...there was gonna be
this goddamn vortex.
It'd be like flushing a toilet,
and there go the haoles.
People thought you couldn't ride
Waimea Bay.
They watched it, and they said,
"Can't be done."
You'd look at Waimea and wonder...
...can the human body
survive the wipeout?
But the lure of riding Waimea
was unrelenting...
... as during each swell,
surfers would find themselves...
... standing spellbound on the shore,
transfixed by the sight of the huge...
... perfectly shaped waves
exploding off the point.
We'd go by there when it
was breaking, and you're going:
"That looks like a ridable wave."
You could see that this had all the
potential of being a great surf spot.
And at some point you just had to go,
"To hell with it, we can do this thing."
On a fall day in October of 1957...
... a handful of surfers
converged on Waimea...
... as a 20-foot swell
began lighting up the bay.