-Are you okay?
-I'm fine.
I am so sorry, Alan.
You know how much I love you.
I guess lunch is gonna have to wait
until round two.
That was a stupid fucking thing to do.
Jesus, Alan, I was only kidding.
I was trying to set you up
for your surprise party.
Guess I surprised you instead.
No shit.
Suicide is a very selfish act, you know.
Shit, one more life or death
seems pretty insignificant...
in the greater planetary scheme of things.
It makes a big difference to me.
Death isn't glamorous, Alan.
I guess I don't really know you.
You, and about four billion other people
on the planet.
Don't give me
that misunderstood artist bullshit.
We all have problems. We deal with them.
You know, you are whining.
You're being kind of a creep,
to tell you the truth.
I'm sorry.
I'm just in my "poor me" stage.
Call me an asshole.
Are you ever going to pull...
such a stupid, cruel, selfish stunt
like that again?
Promise. Cross my heart.
Now, who loves you?