I think it belonged to the dragon.
We are the keepers of the gold.
Gold that only we can hold. The hoard
was ours till Fafnir stole it from us.
Heed our warning,
or you too will pay.
Who are you?
The Nibelungs.
The people of mist and twilight.
You gave the gold back to us
by slaying Fafnir.
And we thank you for it.
Thanks are all very well.
But I'm the one who risked my life
to kill the dragon.
That should be worth something.
It is not worth a single coin
of this treasure.
Not when it comes with a curse.
- I don't believe in curses.
- The proof is outside.
Fafnir lies dead because of it.
I think he lies dead because of me.
And what's this?
That is the ring of the Nibelung.
The oldest thing in the hoard.
Its heart.
The one who possesses it
is the treasure's owner.
- It's beautiful.
- And as deadly to you...
...as anything else here.
It's gonna take more than just words
to frighten me today.
I'll be back for it soon.