You're alive.
I saw the pictures...
in that horrible snow.
It happened three days
before we were encircled.
I got lucky.
I escaped to a field hospital.
Is she with you?
That's Ruth. Come in.
This is my brother Arthur.
Have a seat.
How is Fabian?
He's at a collection center on Rosenstrasse.
I can't get him out.
I can't help him at all.
But you're still married?
It's of no use anymore.
They came for him at the factory one day.
Father is the only one
who can get him out.
Help me convince him.
I couldn't even get him
to come to your wedding.
He's even more stubborn now.
But now he won't be able to refuse you.
You're still such a beautiful woman.
My mother is beautiful, too.