San ging chaat goo si

Look everyone, our hero's back
What award do you want this time?
You're not ashamed?
You're not weIcome here
Who are you, the PoIice Commissioner?
Who are you?
PC1667, sir!
Who's your superior?
I'm on the Bank of Asia case sir
I didn't know I had a partner
I didn't mean you. I'm with
Inspector Chan

I'm in charge of this case, not him
Go ahead, go with him
I transferred to be with you, not him
Can he soIve this case?
Let me telI you Chan's story
He led 9 men on a mission
They aIl died, did't you know?
AlI of us here have lost...
someone cIose
Because of his arrogance!
TelI me, who's responsible for
their deaths?

Yes, sir!
But I know he solved...
every other case before the Bank of Asia
He's here to finish the job
So if you're afraid...
he'lI solve it faster than you...
I'lI completeIy understand, sir!
