Having asked Jesus to restore
my emotional and spiritual virginity
in exchange for curing Dean,
I started my senior year
with all of that behind me.
This new van is amazing.
It's official.
The Christian Jewels--
I bought one for everybody.
Pin it on.
I wanna see it.
It's terrific, Hilary Faye.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Hi, Roland.
How was your summer?
- What?
- Your summer, how was it?
Well, I went rollerblading,
water-skiing, learned to kickbox.
You know, the usual.
Why do you have to make people feel so
awkward about your differently-abledness?
I'm sorry, I really don't know
what's gotten into him.
Here's the latest from Godflight.
I love these guys.
They are totally
Jesus-centric and gorgeous.
Veronica was
adopted by her parents
when they were
missionaries in Vietnam.
Hilary Faye sees her
as an example of God's will
triumphing over
a savage, godless nation.
So what do you think
of the new ride?
You're so lucky, Hilary Faye.
Yeah, I could've had
a Lexus gold edition, you know.
Roland is blessed
with such a thoughtful sister.
In countries like China, Hilary Faye
probably would've been killed at birth.
And then where
would you be, Roland?
You're one of us now.