designed and painted
by our own Hilary Faye
and donated by her father.
Thank you.
Mary helped.
And speaking of new additions, class.
I'd like you to welcome Patrick Wheeler.
Most of the boys in school looked
like NASA employees, not Patrick.
There had to be a catch.
Patrick is Pastor Skip's son.
He's been in South America
doing missionary work with his mother,
and this summer
he just completed a world tour
with the Christian
skateboard association.
Out there hitting the board
for the Lord?
Is nothing sacred to you people?
Before this morning's assembly,
why don't we catch up
on what everyone did this summer?
Mary, let's start with you.
All right, everyone.
put your hands together
for the Christian Jewels!
Some of the words to myself
would make the clouds disappear
If you were gone,
what would I become?
You're so good to me
I mean that.
Oh, clarity
Dear God
A little piece of Heaven
A little piece of Heaven
in my world
So, I figured they would've
sent you to a special school by now.
This is a special school.