Welcome to his home.
Jesus loves you.
Praise Jesus.
Accept him into your heart.
Bear witness.
She's speaking
God's love language, folks!
Oh, my God.
The Jew girl's speaking in tongues!
She's gonna show her boobs.
Thank you, Jesus.
She is!
She's gonna show her boobs!
Mahh possie is a hot pooosie!
Mahh hotta pooosie!
Mahh possie is a hot pooosie!
Mahh possie is a hot pooosie!
She's saying
she's got a hot--
After that, Cassandra's status
went from a cautionary tale to legend.
It seemed like there was no act
too vulgar to get her expelled.
The more she acted out...
... the more Hilary Faye
wanted to get her saved.
I am totally glad she wasn't expelled.
Her actions are such a cry for help.
She may not know this now,
but she is like--
she's like that much closer
to accepting Jesus in her heart, right?
Seriously, she could be some poor savage
in some remote jungle somewhere
who will never know the Lord
and who will never go to Heaven, ever.
I think that's why God has missionaries
like Patrick to spread his word.
What's up, guys?
- You're Mary, right?
- Here's your board.
- Thanks, bro.
- Yeah.
You played the keyboard
during assembly. That was really cool.
- Thanks.
- Isn't she great?
She knows just how to compliment my
vocal stylings without overpowering them.
We were just talking about
all your missionary work, it's so great.
So, like, what part of the world
has the worst heathens?