'Cause I'm so interested in that.
Honestly, I couldn't say.
Mostly, I just stuck to skating.
No, but how many of them
did you actually save, do you think?
Guys, I totally scored
some free stuff for you.
Thank you, Tia.
Piss off, asshole!
And another thing--
no more muffin for you.
The muffin shop is closed!
- Come on.
- Oh, my gosh.
She is in worse shape
than I ever could have imagined, right?
We need to show her
just how cool we Christians can be.
- Totally.
- Let's start the laughing.
Cass, come join us.
We're just--
Do you wanna go wait in the van again?
Do you know these are new pants!
You're handicapped,
but get it together.
Hey, Roland,
how about we get outta here.
and you can give me
a little spin in that thing?
Release his parking brake,
Hilary "Fake."
You smell like Tia's dad.
Have you been drinking?
Come on. Careful.
I'm having a vision
of the Virgin Mary.
Cassandra, are you all right?
What she needs to do
is accept Jesus into her heart.
I think what she needs
is a ride home.
- I'll take her.
- I'll help you, then.
Come on, Cassandra.
No, no, let go of the pizza.
Get off of me!
Helping Patrick
haul Cassandra out of the mall
was like the most perfect
God-centered moment.
You really learn a lot about a boy
when you're servicing the Lord.
Hilary Faye, I can see your pad.
- I can see a little bit of it right--
- Quit it!
Slowly raise up through the knees,
still bent at the waist, and roll to standing.
And twist and hold.
Come on.
Keep holding.
I know what you're looking at, Mary.
And Jesus does, too,