
I’m sorry I can't be of more help
to your investigation.

You know, we arrested a dentist last week...
who liked to play with kids a bit too much.
He lived two blocks from here.
The sewer lines
run under this neighborhood, too, Doctor.

Hello, Amanda.
You don't know me, but I know you.
I want to play a game.
Here's what happens if you lose.

There's a timer
at the back of the device you're wearing.

When the timer goes off...
your mouth will be
permanently ripped open.

I’ll catch you guys down there.
Think of it like a reverse bear trap.
I'll show you.
We're gonna go down to The Grill,
go get a beer. You wanna come?

- I don't think so. Thanks, anyway.
- You know I always ask.

There's only one key...
I'll leave you to have fun here then.
It's in the stomach of your dead cellmate.
I don't mean for this to be disrespectful.
