Got you on your knees.
You're running.
You're running scared because we had you.
Im going to close this case.
We've closed it. We're right, Sing.
We're going to close this thing.
"X" marks the spot.
We should search this room again.
What are you doing over there?
Excuse me.
Just because I'm stuck
in this room with you...
doesn't mean I have to report to you
every 10 seconds.
I really don't see the point
in us not helping one other.
What do you want me to do? Im on a leash.
That's exactly why we need to talk.
We need to think.
I am thinking.
Then don't keep me in the dark
about what you're thinking.
- Turn off the lights.
- What?
- Turn them off, now, please!
- Why?
Just turn them off for a second.
Jesus! Behind you.
- How come we didn't see that before?
- The lights in here hadn't charged it.
It must be glow-in-the-dark paint
or something.