Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed

Help me!
I think I pulled something.
That's what can happen
by ringing a doorbell, Fred. That!

At 7 p.m., the owner
will be home to set you free.

You want to buy a box of cookies?
Excuse me.
Have you heard the Good News?

Yeah. There's cookies!
Watch the junk!
Oh, brother.
The lock's on a laser thumbprint scanner.

- Let me just get to my makeup.
- Daph, now?

You know what, Velma? It's never too late
to learn to properly apply makeup.

Okay. The last good thumbprint
should still be there, so...

...a little blush...
...a pore strip...
...and voilĂ .
All right, Daph!
I enjoy being a girl.
- Thank you!
- See if I can get my mechanic's job back.

- Twenty, 30, 40...
- Thanks for the cookies.

...50... Welcome!
Sixty, 70, 80...

Okay, gang. Let's, like,
split up and search for clues.

Scoob and I will go this way.
Come on, Scoob.

He stole my thing that I say!
Search for clues. Search for clues.
