No, Mort.
What I meant was we're
not together at the moment.
He's coming over later. He hardly ever
comes here. I usually go to his house.
There's a useful detail.
Thanks for that.
Don't ask, then.
It was working just fine that way.
I think you should have him
over to the house more.
Such a nice house. I like it.
I mean, I love it. That's why I bought it.
Goodbye, Mort.
Goodbye, Amy.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
-You read it?
-I did.
I imagine it rang a bell, didn't it?
Oh, it certainly did.
When did you write it?
I thought you'd ask that.
That's the whole point.
Two writers have the same story,
it's all about who wrote the words first.
-Wouldn't you say that's true?
-I suppose so.
I suppose that's why I came
all the way up here from Mississippi.
I wrote it seven years ago, 1 997.
How'd you get it?
That's what I really want to know.
How in the hell did a big
money-scribbling asshole like you...
...get down to a little shitsplat town
in Mississippi...
...and steal my goddamn story?
-Drop it.
-Drop it?
Drop it. What in the hell
do you mean, drop it?
You said you wrote your story in 1 997.
I wrote mine in late '94.
It was published for the first time
in June 1 995 in a magazine.