Here's the.... Here's that description.
Of course, killing an animal
isn't like killing a man.
I'm not even sure it's a crime,
come to think.
Come on, it's gotta be.
What about animal cruelty?
What about destruction
of private property? What about--?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe.
First thing I'm going to need
is a description.
Tell me the truth. Did you steal it?
What? No!
Kind of an amazing coincidence,
don't you think?
The stories being so much alike?
Obviously he copied me. Would you
like to choose a side before we go on?
I'm on your side.
But I still need to know the truth.
Which kind of situation is this?
Is he a regular wacko like you've had
before, in which case I can help...
...or something you should talk
to your lawyer about?
No, this guy is just simply
out of his mind. That's all it is.
Fine. Okay.
What do you want me to do?
I want you to help me
in the same way that--
In the same way that you did before.
He wasn't this crazy.
That guy was just
an obsessed reader...
...who couldn't tell real life from
the crap you make up for a living.
No offense.
Now, this Shooter guy,
he threaten your life?
-He put a screwdriver through my dog.
-Well, he did break a law...
...but it doesn't seem to be a
very important law in Tashmore Lake.
The sheriff must be a cat person.
Yeah, well, I don't exactly feel safe...
...with a 70-year-old arthritic sheriff
watching my back.
Are you gonna help me or not?
Let's see...
...I got a corporate loyalty thing
I got to be back for on Friday...
...but I can give you
a couple of days.
My story came out a couple years...
...before he says he wrote his.
I've got a copy of the original
at Amy's house.