Am I going to be a killer?
Of course! It's been a family
tradition for generations!
But violence is bad, isn't it?
They said so on TV.
Not violence. Violins.
Violins are bad.
That scrutchy music is gonna
ruin the godamn country.
Chucky, Glenda is right.
It's time we owned up to it.
We have a problem with killing.
I don't have a "problem"
with killing.
I like a little killing now and
then. What's wrong with that?
Killing is an addiction
like any other drug.
But we're parents now.
We have to set a good example.
Let's quit, Chucky.
Right now!
You have got to be kidding.
Promise me, Chucky,
no more killing.
- No.
- Chucky.
- No, no...
- No more killing!
- No, no...
- We can't do it anymore!
- No, no...
- We have the future to think of!
- No, no!
- We have a child!
Fine! Alright already!
I promise.
Thank you, doll baby.
You're a sweetheart.
Now we really will be
the perfect family.
Did you hear that?
Maybe you should forget the director
and fuck the exterminator instead.
So how do I look? Never mind.
Jennifer, this is beneath you.
Think about what you're doing.
What the people are gonna say?
Who cares what people will say?
- Don't you see how evil this is?
- I don't wanna hear it.
You're prostituting yourself
so you can play the Virgin Mary.
Joan, I don't wanna hear it.
This is so evil.
You're going to hell.
No, hell would be ending up
on "Celebrity Fear Factor"...
in a worm-eating contest
with Ann and Nicole Smith.
Which you'd win.