Seeing Other People

No, I don't think you should go.
I think you should wait for the report.

Why you have to go?
It 's something you don't need to.

Okay. Fine.
I'll come with you then.

I love you too.
- They think it 's Chris.
- What?

My mom filed a missing
persons report...

and she got a call from
the morgue this morning.

- It 's not Chris. It can't be Chris.
- Well then who is it, tell me?

- I don't know.
- Then don't say anything, okay?

It was a very understandable

Your husband
has a new secretary...

and I guess he's been spending
time with her after office hours.

But he is not having an affair.
He was beating her up?
No, her boyfriend was.
Your husband found out, rented a
hotel room, where she could be safe.

He never slept with her?
If either of you were going to
step outside the relationship...

it certainly wouldn't be John.
Harrison French.
