Seeing Other People

which numerous witnesses saw you
wearing the day of the murder...

...ended up 1O feet from the victim.
- I don't know.

Explain that to me,
and you can go to your lunch date.

I was mad. I lost a very
important account that day.

And I threw it out the window.
Threw it out the window?
Here's a name tag.
So you're driving along.

and you take the name tag
and you throw it out the window.

Or did you throw it out
the window like that?

This sticker ended up
fifty yards from the road.

Hey, pal. Try again.
It was windy that night. It could
have blown there. I don't know!

I'm going to tell you what I think.
I know you needed money.

I know you hated your father-in-law
paying your mortgage.

You and your brother-in-law
decided to rob the Trust.

I think you wanted to prove to your
wife that she wasn't slumming...

by marrying a guy from downtown.
And I know that something
went wrong.

Maybe you had a fight,
maybe he wanted more money...

maybe he tried to rob you,
I don't know.

But something went wrong.
And maybe you won the fight...
and maybe you were just one "hello"
sticker away from pulling it all off.

No? Alright. Then what?
You tell me. You been hanging on by
a thread ever since you got here.

Your pulse is racing,
you're sweating.

Why don't you tell me the truth?
Everything points to you!
