You couldn't trade
an acre for a mule.
That market had no bottom.
I was in third grade.
With a little creative accounting.
I managed to evade
Uncle Sam's annual knock.
Piece of cake.
Thanks to William J. Ashbury Junior.
Wharton whiz kid.
He made it go away.
Sir, you are drunk. Maybe you
should quit while you are ahead.
That 's what I did.
That 's what I have to do.
Again. And again.
What do you mean? Why?
You cheat on Uncle Sam.
You cook the books until
your ulcers bleed.
You cheat on your wife.
You screw that mistress until that
is the last face you want to see.
He's like.
he's like a father who
catches his kid smoking.
Damn if he doesn't make him
smoke the whole pack.
What did you do?
That you're going to do again?
Do you see?
Why I didn't want you here?
I tried to run you off.
I just got your back up.
C'mon son.