tying the murder at Grays Lane to
the robbery at Montgomery Trust.
Reporting for News Three,
this is Marcy Newell.
Wynn, about last night,
I'm so...
No, I'm sorry.
No, I don't think you should go.
I think you should wait for the report.
Why you have to go?
It 's something you don't need to.
Okay. Fine.
I'll come with you then.
I love you too.
- They think it 's Chris.
- What?
My mom filed a missing
persons report...
and she got a call from
the morgue this morning.
- It 's not Chris. It can't be Chris.
- Well then who is it, tell me?
- I don't know.
- Then don't say anything, okay?
It was a very understandable