- How are you holding up?
- Not good. I've been here for hours.
- Just calm down.
- Calm down? You're my lawyer!
I'll get you out of there.
Just keep your finger in the dike.
It 's not that I don't love sitting
in your big beautiful car...
but your new friend here
has a train to catch.
Where were we?
Waiting for my lawyer.
You're putting a lot of trust in a
guy who's kept you hanging here.
Your choice.
There's 2OO grand in the bag in the
locker. You take half, understand?
Do what you're told,
and you'll make a lot of money.
Show your face around
here again, you won't...
...have a cardboard box to live in.
- I understand.
Extra! Extra!
This is the Montgomery
Trust shooter?
Suspect was seen boarding
a train out of town.
Better hurry up, you don't want
to be late to the ball.