Shall We Dance

My dream... is to be able
to dance free and proud.

Under my own name.
For all the world to see.

That's my dream.
Did I get it all?
Hey, Andy. It's Bev.
Look, I'm sorry to call you so late.
I was just trying to find John.

Called the office at six and Betsy said
that he'd left for the day, and I was just...

You got home by five?
How did you manage that, you lucky dog?

Ah, there's the door.
OK. See you. Bye.

Sorry I'm late.
I got hung up at the office.

I wish you'd call, 'cause we were looking
all over for your car keys forever...

- I thought you were shopping with Jenna.
- That was weeks ago.

I called the office and Betsy said
you left for the day at six.

Yeah, I did - for a sandwich.
Then I came back.

Oh. Well, I called your private line
a few times, nobody picked up.

That's because I wasn't working
in my office, I was in Andy's.

Oh. How is Andy?
We're working on a really big
estate plan together.

- So he was there?
- What?

Was Andy there?
Why are you asking me
all these questions?

I don't know.
Anyway, I stopped off for a bite
on the way home with Link Peterson.

Remember him?
Interesting guy.

Not what you'd think.
- How was your day?
- Great.

One, two, three, four...
One, two, three...
