Shall We Dance

You've got those knocked already.
There's no way I could learn 'em in time.

I'm not comin' back as
the Bobbinator's partner!

We'll look like an olive
and a toothpick together.

Besides, she would
never dance with me.

Sure she would.
Just the Latin dances.
I'll still do the waltz and the quickstep.

She would.
Not if he was the last bald, bad-breathed,
heterosexual sequin-freak on earth -

which he probably is.
I'm not doin' it.

You wanna win the Latin competition
or not? It's up to you. I don't care.

Link already knows the dances.
And he'll be a good competitor.

Right, Link?
So, finally giving up
on the underage bimbettes...

and gonna go for a real woman?
Is that it?

Yeah, no more underage bimbettes for me.
Only real women from now on.

Don't even think about coming near me
without a breath mint. You got that?

And quit lookin' at my ass.
We'll try.
Vern, you know, there's a
joyful freedom in your Latin.

And Chic, you have an innate sensuality
quite uncommon in a man.

I've entered you both in the
competition along with John.

Good. That's settled.
You... are the frame.
I'm the frame.
- She is the picture...
- She is the picture...

:57:56 your frame.
Everything that you do
is to show her off.
