Shark Tale

Is my fault. I feel as much Frankie.
How I explain this to him to papa?
I said to You that you had well-taken care of!
Ay! What…
you do not do anything to us, we felt it.
Everything was idea of Ernie.

Oscar You killed that shark?
Yes, yes Seemed another
thing? Then they were mistaken.

What happened? - Ah, you

to know what happened.
- Yes! You are stopped upon

I will say to Them what happened!
Were many sharks, 75 of 100
feet of length. It swam towards my,

with teeth like whale…
- Oh, God!

and I said to him you
dare to dirigirte to
my of that form? You go to Oscar

of that form?
Haz that of muscles, hazlo.
Ah yes, hopes. I said You
see this to him?

Because it has a brother and
it lives just in this place and

I believe that the hour arrived from
… the familiar Meeting!

You I said it, we were there.
She is seen so pretty in the TV.
Oscar, I am Katie Current.
You are first in the history
that defeats a shark.

Dime You tried to protect
the reef of the sharks?

Katie Co'mo I can demostrarte
that I am not playing?
