Shark Tale

all happens through my.
What you did? I cannot see it.
Quieres perderte also?
Nonbeams nothing without my permission.

- It is well?
- It is well.

and you, do not clean that traserito
to you without my permission, yes?

- Yes.
- and you do not say "is well" without my permission.

Good one, thanks to all,
now you come with me.

and one more thing … why
want to live in this baseness?

assumes that this is
the Mafia, búsquense a worthy home.

and fíjate well Linen, finished.
Your old school finished…

- Oscar.
- What?

With permission.
- Angie you are well?
- No, I am not well.

- Nearly it kills to me!
- Nearly yes.

- Its flavor was killing to me.
- Lenny? Are you?

You are alive? I thought that it had to you lost.
What you wear ? What is that?
Oye head is Lenny, used a disguise
that we did not recognize it…

but no longer takes it,
so Yes we
recognize it.

- Hello papa.
- This is a joke?

This is a joke?
are completely crazy?

Tienes some idea
of how shines all this?

This is the best "sitting"
in which there am been.

What you do with this type? You betrayed
to your own blood, Frankie!

- Papa, listens…
- Nothing that to listen…

never you must take party
against the family. Never!
