to see if you are a true
assassin of sharks.
Would be necessary to see it.
Thanks to visit Whale-Mart.
somebody must
remove to me from the bubble.
How you did this time?
Oscar, you are an example
to follow by all.
No, no, déjenme
Angie! Oscar, sácame of here.
I must move away to me of here.
- Sight which you did to him!
- No! He is malentendido.
Oscar! Oscar!
Paren! I am not a
assassin of sharks!
- I lay.
- What?
- and I am not a true crab.
- Good.
I did not have to do with
the death of Frankie, nor Lenny.
- If it is thus, why you fled?
- you always wanted that outside like him.
Never I will be the shark
that you want that it is.
Which is its problem?
Your son needs aid, its better
friend is
not the one that you wish
it likes to get dressed like
a dolphin, and what!