Shark Tale

- Hazlo already partner!
- you do not press to me!

I am moved, and
I do
not support the pressure.

What I mean is…
did not know what wanted,

was in front of my
eyes, all along.

- and what happened with being somebody?
- I am not nobody without you.

Ven , here damn great hard head.
Never I said this to them but… they are
the best friends of the world.

Vamos, abracémonos.
I feel partner, I feel it.
- They see, we do it again, nonsubjects.
- Olvídalo, already passed the emotion.

Good one, Linen, we are "smooth" no?
As they say, we do not want
that the streets are…

Yes, we are "smooth".
Oscar, pardon, Oscar?
you have obtained everything what you want
with effort, what is the next thing?

Vamos, all
are hoping, Mr.. Been conceited

Espera, I only must put
this in my new writing-desk.

I love papa to You.
- Hello crazy.
- Salutings.

Good one, we see what you can do.
Sykes and Oscar are
again in the business.

Young ladies, we see what they can do.
