- It's your anniversary soon.
- It was last week.
- Did you do anything special?
- We came here.
Shaun. Hog lumps.
Shaun, what I'm trying to say is
I need something more,
more than spending every night
in the Winchester.
I want to do more interesting stuff.
I want you to want to want to do it.
Listen to me.
I'm beginning to sound like your mum.
- Not that I'd know.
- You haven't met his mum?
- Not yet.
- Don't you get along with your mum?
- It's not her...
- Are you ashamed by your mum, Shaun?
- No, I love my mum.
- I love his mum.
- Shaun!
- Liz.
I understand what
you're trying to say and I agree.
We should get out there.
We'll start tomorrow.
I'll book a restaurant.
The place that does all the fish.
Just the two of us.
Things will change. I promise.
Really, Shaun?
Time, gentlemen.