- Hello.
- 'Hello, it's me. '
- Hello.
- 'Did you get my message? '
- Yep.
- 'So it's all OK, then? '
- Yep.
- 'Eight at the place with all the fish?
'Cool, that's great. Just ring me later. '
- Goodbye, Liz.
- 'Bye. Bye, bye, bye. '
Liz from Head Office.
It's nothing to panic about.
Sir? Sir?
Sorry. Erm, they're for my mum.
Mum. "To a wonderful Mum"
or "Supermum"?
- Er... the first one.
- Right.
'... London seems
to have gone completely bonkers... '
- Oh, my God! Shaun!
- Yvonne.
Oooh! How are you doing?
- Surviving.
- Are you living round here?
- Yeah, are you?
- Yeah, I just bought a place.
- Bought?
- I know, bit grown-up, eh?
- Are you still with...?
- Liz.
That's great. Glad somebody made it.
How long's that been now?
- Er, it's three years ago last week.
- Did you do anything special?
- We're going out for a meal tonight.
- Anywhere nice?