See, you don't need Liz to have a good time.
- Don't, man.
- No.
Oi, look at me.
Can I just say one thing? I'm not gonna
say there's plenty more fish in the sea,
I'm not gonna say if you love her let her go
and I'm not gonna bombard you with clichés
but what I will say is this...
it's not the end of the world.
Sorry, we're closed.
What's the matter, love,
haven't you had your tea?
What? He should say base.
Or freeze.
What a tit.
Don't scratch it! Wait...
- That was the second album I ever bought!
- It's four in the fucking morning!
- It's Saturday!
- No, it's not.
It's fucking Sunday
and I've got to go to fucking work