Shaun of the Dead

No! That's the second album I ever bought!
Some of these are limited...
Ah! What was that?

- Blue Monday.
- That was an original pressing.

For fuck's sake.
- Erm... Purple Rain?
- No.

- Sign O' The Times?
- Definitely not.

- The Batman soundtrack?
- Throw it.

- Dire Straits?
- Throw it.

- Er... Ooh, Stone Roses?
- No.

- Second Coming?
- I like it.

Ah! Sade?
- That's Liz's.
- She dumped you.

- I'm going to the shed.
- You said it was locked.

- Which one do you want? Girl or bloke?
- Er... the first one.

'People receiving bites
have experienced headaches and nausea

'and developed symptoms... '
You've got red on you.
'Lf you know someone who has been bitten
'it is absolutely essential
that you isolate them immediately.

'The public are being strongly advised
not to approach anyone... '

- Why don't we just go up?
- Don't go up there!

- Why not?
- Because A, he might be one of them

and B, he might still be annoyed.
Maybe he went into work.
How come he didn't drive?
His keys are still here.

Maybe he got a lift.
He said he wasn't feeling well. Pete?
