About last night.
I know loads of things were said but...
- You said this wasn't about us.
- No, it's not.
- You said it was about survival.
- It is, but...
You're notjust trying to prove something?
I meant everything I said last night.
- Maybe this isn't the best time to talk.
- OK.
- How's it going?
- Er, surviving.
Hey, Liz. Long time no see.
Hey, Yvonne.
Erm... this is my boyfriend, Declan.
Erm... my friends Mark, Maggie,
- my mum and my cousin Tom.
- All right.
This is Shaun and his girlfriend Liz.
- They've split up, actually.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
- That's a shame.
We should scoot.
Have you got somewhere you're going?
- Yeah, we're going to the Winchester.
- The pub?
- Yeah.
- Right, well. Good luck!
All right.
See? The Winchester's just over there.
- Over where?
- Over there.
Just over there, over the 20 garden fences?
What's the matter, David?
Never taken a short cut before?
I'm sure Jill and Derek live round here.
Now, the Winchester
is just over that fence, all right?