Captain Leo, Captain Jin.
The wind never thinks too much.
We're heading out on patrol.
I want the wind to stop and think.
The wind cannot stop.
Not even for me?
We're going to be busy again.
The Provincial Office
has given us ten days
The wind breezes through without a trace.
to catch the new leader
of the 'Flying Daggers'.
It took us three months to assassinate
Now you understand
their old leader.
why I'm called Wind.
Ten days? Impossible.
Have you heard of the new Peony Pavilion?
Does anyone know you there?
No, I haven't been there yet.
Good, now's your chance.
Any information?
Fine, go and be the wind.
We suspect one of the showgirls
is a member of the 'Flying Daggers'.
I don't need you anymore!
OK, I'll check it out.
Pull. Pull harder.
Pull harder.
I don't care if you're true or not,
I have to leave.
That's it. I'm done.
I want to end this.
Are you going alone?
I'm coming.
Here I am.
I'd like to be the wind for once.
Where will you go?
What can I do for you, sir?
Who knows. Whichever way the wind blows.
I heard you have a new girl.
Aren't you going back to
the 'Flying Daggers?
Do you want me to go back?
You're well informed.
Is she pretty?
I've left them, why would I return?
She's quite a beauty.
Bring her to me.