Do you care for her?
You are asking...?
A man and a girl traveling all alone,
what else could I be talking about?
Mei is a rare beauty.
I care for her a lot.
Then, I shall act as the matchmaker
for you two to marry.
Marriage is a big deal.
This is too sudden.
She's not a good match for you?
On the contrary.
Mei is from a respectable family.
I'm just a humble swordsman.
Our old leader loved his daughter dearly.
Now I've become the new leader,
it's my duty to find her a good husband.
I haven't been able to find anyone
within the 'Flying Daggers'
who would be a better choice than you.
What do you say?
I accept your offer.
Our House is much obliged to you.
You've done us a great favour.
Please accept my gratitude.
With much pleasure.
Who are you, really?
Why do you want to kill me?
What is going on?
Government running dogs...
I wish to kill all of you!
Where are our soldiers?
They were ambushed.
You were both plotting to catch me
by following Mei.