Shrek 2

You and me and...
Two can be as bad as one
Shrek! Fiona!
Well, aren't you two a sight
for sore eyes.

Give us a hug, Shrek.
You old love machine.
And look at you Mrs. Shrek
How about a side of sugar
for the steed?

Donkey, what are you doing here?
I was just taking care of your
love nest for you.

Oh, you mean sorting the mail
and watering the plants
Yeah, and feeding the fish.
I don't have any fish.
You do now.
I call that one Shrek
and the other Fiona. Shrek is a nasty devil.

Oh, look at the time. I guess you'd
better be going.

Don't you want to tell
me all about the trip?

How about a game of parchese?
Actually donkey, shouldn't you be
getting home to Dragon?

Oh, yeah. That...
I don't know she's been all
moody and stuff lately.

So I thought I'd move back in
with you guys.

Well you know we're always happy
to see you, Donkey.

But Fiona and I are married now.
We need a little time to be together.

Just with each other.
Say no more. You don't have
to worry about a thing.

I will always be here to make sure
nobody bothers you.

Yes, roomy.
You're bothering me.
:06:24 I guess me and Pinnochio
was gonna try to catch a tournament...,

so... maybe I'll see you all...

He'll be fine. Now...
Where were we?
I think I remember.
I know, I know... alone.
I'm going... I'm going.

Hey, what do you want me to tell
these other guys?
