I need some sleep.
Time to put the old bones down.
I'm in too deep
and the wheels keep spinning round...
Everyone says
- You just gotta let it go.
Dear knight, I pray that you take this
favour as a token of my gratitude.
Dear diary,
Sleeping Beauty is having
a slumber party tomorrow...
but dad says I can't go.
He never lets me out after sunset.
Dad says I'm going away for a while,...
Must be like some finishing school
or something.
Mom says that when I'm old enough,
my handsome prince Charming
will rescue me from my tower
and bring me back to my family.
And we'll all live happily
ever after.
Mrs. Fiona Charming
Mrs. Fiona Charming
Mrs. Fiona Charming
Mrs. Fiona Charming...
Sorry, I hope I'm not interrupting
or anything...
No, no,... I was just reading a...
a scary book.
I was hoping you'd let me apologize
for my despicable behaviour earlier
I don't know what came over me...
Do you suppose we can just pretend it
never happened and start over?