I do believe we can make this
work to our advantage.
Happily Ever After potion.
Maximum strength.
For you and your true love.
If one of you drinks this,
you both will be fine:
happiness, comfort
and beauty divine.
You both will be fine?
I guess it means it will affect
Fiona too.
Hey, man. This
don't feel right.
My donkey senses are tingling all over.
Why don't you just drop that
jug of voodoo and let's get outta here.
It says: beauty divine.
How bad can it be?
I see you're allergic to that stuff.
You're gonna have a reaction.
And if you think that I'm gonna be
smearing baby rub all over your chest...
think again.
Just in case there's something
wrong with the potion...
allow me to take the first sip.
It would be an honour to lay my
life on the line for you.
Ah, no, no, no...
I don't think so.
if there's gonna be any animal testing,
I'm gonna do it...
That's the best friend's job.
Now give me that bottle.
How do you feel?
Well, I don't feel...
any different
Do I look any different?
You look like an ass to me.
Maybe it doesn't work on donkeys.
Well, here's to us, Fiona.
If you drink that,
there's no going back.
I know.
But no more wallowing
in the mud?
No more itsy butt crack?
I know!
But you love being an ogre.
But I love Fiona more.
Shrek, no!
I think you grabbed the fartier
... of the potion.
Maybe it's a dud.
Or maybe Fiona and I were never meant to be.