Hey, I can fly.
-He can fly! -He can fly!
He can talk!
-That's right, fool!
Now I'm a flying,
talking donkey!
You might have seen house fly,
maybe even a super fly.
But I bet you ain't
never seen a donkey fly!
Seize him!
Get him! This way! Hurry!
You there. Ogre.
By the order of lord Farquaad.
I am authorized to place you
both under arrest.
And transport you to a designated
resettlement facility.
Oh really?
You and what army?
Can I say something to you?
Listen, you were really, really something,
back there. Incredible.
Are you talking to...
Yes, I was talking to you.
Can I just tell you that you were
really great back there
with those guards.
They thought that was all over there.
And then you showed up and BAM.
There was tripping
on over themselves like babes in the woods.
That really made me
feel good to see that.
Oh, that's great.
Man, it's good to be free.
Now, why don't you go celebrate your freedom
with your own friends?
But I...
I don't have any friends.
And I'm not going out there by myself.
Hey wait a minute.
I have a great idea...
I'll stick with you.
You and me in green fighting machine.
Together we'll scare the spin
if anybody crosses us.