Yeah. You know I like like that.
Oh come on baby...
-Donkey. Wake up.
-What? -Wake up.
Morning. How do you like your eggs?
-Good morning princess.
-What's all this about?
You know, we kind of got of
to a bad start yesterday
and I wanted to make it up to you.
I mean, after all,
you did rescue me.
Well, eat up.
We've got a big day ahead of us.
-What? It's a compliment.
Better out than in
I always say.
But that's no way to behave
in front of a princess.
-She's as nasty as you are.
You know.
You're not exactly what I've expected.
Well, maybe you shouldn't judge people
before you get to know them.
La liberté.
What are you doing?
Be still mon shery,
for I am your saviour.
And I am rescuing you from this green
Hey! That's my princess.
Go find your own.
Please, monster.
Can't you see I'm a little busy here?
Look, pal.
I don't know who you think you are.
Oh, of course.
How rude that was.
Please, let me introduce myself.
Oh merry men!
Ta, da, da, da, da, da, whoo
I steal from the rich
and give to the needy
He takes a wee percentage,
but I'm not greedy