Gosh, that was, like, 11 years ago,
Mrs. Raymond.
Well, you were wonderful in that show.!
Why that didn't make you the biggest
movie star in the world is a sin!
Oh, now, Miles...
why didn't you tell me you were coming
and bringing this handsome man?
Look how I'm dressed!
I've gotta run and put my face on.
You look fabulous, Mrs. Raymond.
Oh, stop it!
- Make yourselves comfortable.
Announcer, Faint]
- You boys hungry?
- Yeah, I'm hungry.
Announcer Continues]
Along with the battle casualties...
Just a snack.
the Germans lost almost a million men.
To replace them, Hitler turned
to his last resort of manpower.
This is delicious, Mrs. Raymond.
Absolutely delicious.
- Mmm.
- They're just leftovers.
I- Is this chicken?
I could have made something fancier...
if a certain someone had let me know
that a certain someone...
was coming for a visit
and bringing a certain special friend.
It was a surprise, Mom.
And I could've already put clean sheets...
on the other bed and the foldout.
You are staying.
Wendy, Ron and the twins are picking us up
at 11:30 to go to brunch at the Sheraton.
They do a magnificent job there.
- You talked to Wendy?
- Just now.
She's thrilled! And the twins-
No, no, I bet. I bet. Yeah.
Well, you know, Jack is pretty eager
to, uh, to get up to, um-
You know.
Uh, but, yeah, absolutely.
We'll see how it goes.
Well, you boys do what you want.
I just thought it would be nice for us
to be together as a family on my birthday.
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
I'll be right back.