- Mmm.
- How would you rate this one, Miles?
Well, usually they start you on wines
with learning disabilities...
but this one is pretty damn good.
- This is the new one. Right, Chris?
- Just released two months ago.
- Nice job.
- We like it.
You could work in a wine store,
Mmm. Yeah.
That'd be a good move.
Are you chewing gum?
Do you think I'm making a mistake
marrying Christine?
Do you think I'm doing the right thing, Miles?
Tell me the truth.
I mean, you've been there.
Well, you know, I- I think that you
waited for some good reason...
and that you proposed to Christine
for some good reason...
so I think it's great.
It's time.
I mean, you gotta have your eyes open,
that's all.
I mean, look at me.
I thought Victoria and I were set for life.
Christine's dad,
he's really been talking to me...
about bringing me into his property business,
showing me the ropes.
Which is something, considering how long
it took him to get over my not being Armenian.
So I'm thinking about it.
But I don't know.
Might get a little incestuous.
But Mike does great.
A lot of high-end commercial stuff.
- So you're gonna stop acting?
- No way! No.
This would just provide some stability.
I could always squeeze in a commercial
or an audition here, there.
Keep myself in the game in case
something really great came along.